Happy Sensations

I dream of a happy place Because I am happy I stare off in the sky's blues I look into the stars of the night I bask in the light ...

Oh Hunger!

Oh Hunger!
Slapped up here by That iPhone Chic's cellphone.

Oh Hunger...You have made me ravenous...You have made me crave!

A meal fit for two in 10 min or so. I curse you, Oh Hunger!! For your
avocado goodness, your cheesey meltiness, your smooth sour cream, your
tangy tomatoes, your crispy crunchy chips, you hearty beans of re-
friedness, your zesty diced peices of onion, your flavorful
cilantro....in the time it has taken me to write this, I have picked
your container clean...

Oh Hunger!


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