Pow WOW!!!

Now I have never been to a Pow Wow..Yea a Pow wow! It was very enlightening in some ways...I was able to see some of the dances and the clothing of different Native American tribes. I even got to dance around a bon fire! The fire was bright and the night was soooo hot. The people were just there to have fun...Everyone held hands and made a circle at one point. There were so many people we needed to make 4 circles!! Then we side-stepped around the fire while the drummers drummed...Peaceful and great...
It is amazing how when you take a day out to appreciate a different culture how much peace you can find...on looking around and seeing how many people can out, I was astounded at the colors..black,brown,white,yellow...it was amazing. My little oner took a look at some (actually all) of the items being sold and says "Mommy...look africa..." I told him..."No..it's Native American.." Makes you think..when you take a good look how close we really are when it comes to people of color....
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