Today In the ....News..
Now check this mess out...looks like little Korea got some friggin BALLS!!!

Korea, Korea
I was reading my free news source AMNY (bon papier) and it turns out that with all the nuclear testing going so well, they have decided they won't take nothing from no body!!! And I quote..."If the U.S. keeps pestering us and increases pressure, we will regard it as a declaration of war and will take a series if physical coresponding measures.." This from the Korean Central News Agency....(as read in AMNY)
Now these guys are so sure all of the nations will be so shook up by them testing weapons that they will say "Oh no..Korea's got nukes..whatever shall we do..?" as they hide under their desks...
Has history not shown us that the leaders of the nations don't really care what happens to it's people...?
Korea...if you keep up this nonsence..big daddy is gonna cut you off and your people will suffer...
U.N....if you cut Korea off..they might want to retaliate and then we have yet ANOTHER war in our mists..(can you politicians spare your sons and duaghters to make up for the troops that are stationed in our other endeaver?)
Speaking bout other endearver...

The Hundred Year War
I was also reading that we (not me damn it..but we as a country..) are planning on extending the time the troops are over in Iraq for another 4 years..I mean hey I am used to empty promises..but come on already...unless that guilty conscious about this whole thing is so great we wanna clean up our mess (yeah right), don't you think you should stop picking the damn scab so it can heal..?!?
And to show you how much our people mean to us...."This is not a preditcion that things are going poorly or better...It's just that I have to have enough ammo in the magazine [that's where you put the bullets in the gun] that I can continue as long as hey want us to shoot." Thus said by Schoomaker...
Ain't nothing better than comparing real live people to little metal pellets that kill!!
On a lighter note...
SpongeBowie Swquarepants
It looks like one of my fav singers is gonna be on one of the most wacky and drugged out tv shows of all time!!(I mean seriously folks, they had to be taking something when they came up with this..) SPONGEBOB SQUAREPANTS!!

Yes folks..David Bowie will be playing a character named Lord Royal Highness (I am not goona say anything..LOL) next year sometime..
Oh, Harry... Harry... Harry ...More!!

They finish filming the 5th movie this November and start the 6th one next year!!!
Now that I have ranted and raved about such subjects from politics to entertainment..I think I will let you go so you can chew on those thoughts...
And remember..If some little punk comes into your neighborhood and acts like he has some starve his family in hopes that he will not retaliate and shoot your dumb ass!!!!
Korea, Korea
I was reading my free news source AMNY (bon papier) and it turns out that with all the nuclear testing going so well, they have decided they won't take nothing from no body!!! And I quote..."If the U.S. keeps pestering us and increases pressure, we will regard it as a declaration of war and will take a series if physical coresponding measures.." This from the Korean Central News Agency....(as read in AMNY)
Now these guys are so sure all of the nations will be so shook up by them testing weapons that they will say "Oh no..Korea's got nukes..whatever shall we do..?" as they hide under their desks...
Has history not shown us that the leaders of the nations don't really care what happens to it's people...?
Korea...if you keep up this nonsence..big daddy is gonna cut you off and your people will suffer...
U.N....if you cut Korea off..they might want to retaliate and then we have yet ANOTHER war in our mists..(can you politicians spare your sons and duaghters to make up for the troops that are stationed in our other endeaver?)
Speaking bout other endearver...
The Hundred Year War
I was also reading that we (not me damn it..but we as a country..) are planning on extending the time the troops are over in Iraq for another 4 years..I mean hey I am used to empty promises..but come on already...unless that guilty conscious about this whole thing is so great we wanna clean up our mess (yeah right), don't you think you should stop picking the damn scab so it can heal..?!?
And to show you how much our people mean to us...."This is not a preditcion that things are going poorly or better...It's just that I have to have enough ammo in the magazine [that's where you put the bullets in the gun] that I can continue as long as hey want us to shoot." Thus said by Schoomaker...
Ain't nothing better than comparing real live people to little metal pellets that kill!!
On a lighter note...
SpongeBowie Swquarepants
It looks like one of my fav singers is gonna be on one of the most wacky and drugged out tv shows of all time!!(I mean seriously folks, they had to be taking something when they came up with this..) SPONGEBOB SQUAREPANTS!!
Yes folks..David Bowie will be playing a character named Lord Royal Highness (I am not goona say anything..LOL) next year sometime..
Oh, Harry... Harry... Harry ...More!!
They finish filming the 5th movie this November and start the 6th one next year!!!
Now that I have ranted and raved about such subjects from politics to entertainment..I think I will let you go so you can chew on those thoughts...
And remember..If some little punk comes into your neighborhood and acts like he has some starve his family in hopes that he will not retaliate and shoot your dumb ass!!!!
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