50 Cents or A Kiss

I was on my way home today..takin the subway. When a homeless man walked up to me. Now I saw him coming and had a very strong feeling that though he didn't go up to anyone else, he was going to come up to me. And he did. I tried to turn my back towards the track to see if a train was coming and decided to turn back around cuz you hear stories about folks pushing other folks on the tracks and such. I didn't really feel like being another story.
So I turn around and lo and behold, there he is. Now he wasn't VERY dirty nor did he smell. It wasn't anything like that. He just looked like he had a rough time of it...
Then he asks me what I thought he might ask me:
Can you spare 50 cents for a cup of coffee...
Now those of you who know me personally know I don't have 50 cents to get MYSELF a cup of coffee (if I drank coffee), so I told him I didn't have it.
So he says to me:
Well would you mind doing be a favor then...
and I tilt my head to the side like the RCA dog...
he proceeds to ask me:
Could I kiss your lips to give me good luck...you got really nice lips and I need some luck...
What the hell do you say to that..!!??
I told him thank you, but I didn't think he needed any luck from me and that he would be fine without it...
I mean how do you tell a homeless guy askin for change he deosn't need luck "Oh you'll be fine, everything is fine and dandy. You don't need any luck!" LMAO
I mean it's not LMAO funny, but what could I do but contiue to protest..and ofcourse he continued to insist he needed a kiss for luck...
I made the familiar "this conversation is over" motions by beginning to put my headphones back in (which I had taken out when he asked fo change --- duh woman) and he wished me a happy holiday and off he went...
People...I couldn't make this up if I tried..!!!
Tell me, what would you have done??
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