My Social Test

Ok I didn't mean to be thinking about social and community affairs at all when this happened, but it happened anyway...
Turns out that in a month period of time, only 4 people will actually pay attention to you. This being 4 people who do not know you.
My test was this:
I have been walking around NYC with the back of my bookbag open for a month. Now this was not a test. It just so happens that my book bag is broken (send all donations to "Save A Back" to So I have been walking the crowded subways, in the darkened street, and everywhere else...and do you know how many people actaully stopped me and told me my bag was open...4.
Two women and two men.
I can remeber this only because of the VERY low numbers.
SO let's say I pass by 20 people in a day. That's 100 people in a week (not including weekend). That is 400 people in a month. And out of that 400 people only 4 people said "Excuse me, your bag is open."
Then I thought to myself, "Self. How many peoples bags are you passing by daily, and do you look at every bag that passes So what makes you think these people are looking at you bag? But if I am getting on or off a crowded train, more than likely your bag is in my friggin how could I NOT see...?"
Oh well, some are just nicer than others...actually I can tell you how many....
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