NEw MuSic and.....
I just added this music player to this blog....I had it on my MySpace to see how I liked and....yes...I do like it...!!! It is easier for me to change up the songs and use the ones I want without using up my storage online...oh yeah!!
the "and..." part of the title goes toward the fact that I am a bit pissed off...for no dang on reason. Sometimes you just have those times when you don't feel like answering the phone or talking to anyone. So today I let the phone stay on silent and chilled out with the little ones. We had a pretty good day today and I found out somethings about my cable that I didn't know...I also found out that cops are still beating up and bullying folks who want to protest peacefully so that they can have an excuse to use force...but that is a WHOLE nother issue, I'll tell you...whew

So where was I...? Oh yes, Pirates of the Caribbean is gonna be SOOOO hot..I mean the new one coming out...I am thinking of organizing some kind of.."Hey Let's All Meet Up and See It" thing...I dunno, depends on how I feel... :-)
I just added this music player to this blog....I had it on my MySpace to see how I liked and....yes...I do like it...!!! It is easier for me to change up the songs and use the ones I want without using up my storage online...oh yeah!!
the "and..." part of the title goes toward the fact that I am a bit pissed off...for no dang on reason. Sometimes you just have those times when you don't feel like answering the phone or talking to anyone. So today I let the phone stay on silent and chilled out with the little ones. We had a pretty good day today and I found out somethings about my cable that I didn't know...I also found out that cops are still beating up and bullying folks who want to protest peacefully so that they can have an excuse to use force...but that is a WHOLE nother issue, I'll tell you...whew
So where was I...? Oh yes, Pirates of the Caribbean is gonna be SOOOO hot..I mean the new one coming out...I am thinking of organizing some kind of.."Hey Let's All Meet Up and See It" thing...I dunno, depends on how I feel... :-)
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