Happy Sensations

I dream of a happy place Because I am happy I stare off in the sky's blues I look into the stars of the night I bask in the light ...

Ever Had A Day...?

I wanted to write to you about something else, but I can't remember...so I think I will write about this...

Ever had a day?

You know...just a day...

Nothing special, but all the same okay?
I am thinking about how I got pushed by a dude much taller and bigger than me while trying to get to the After School Program in time to pick up my kids...so I had to wait for the next one. Looked around and it looked like I wasn't the only smaller woman to get knocked out of the way by the big guys getting on the subway...

Not a bad day still...
I am thinking about how I was so busy I didn't eat till I had to make a run to the post office at lunch and even then I had to stand in line with a box and eat my breakfast sandwich I bought at 8:30am..at 2:30pm...

I am not so easily let down...
I explain to my children why they are Black..why they are African American...and that they are Yong, Gifted, and Black (The Nina Simone version, not Aretha). Kwanzaa is coming and it's time to get into the groove of family and community...which they have been learning about all year..(the concept of family and commuunity..not the principles of Kwanzaa...HOP TO IT LADY)

Seems like the day passed me by..and it is already time for the next day...
I should sit back and take stock of what I have done...and then I will see that I accomplished much today between:

I didn't curse that guy out for pushing me out of the way...I laughed it off and waited for the next train...

Took care of my business and still managed to remember that I need to eat...

Spent time with my children to let them know how important they are and who they are...

I am a good mom... ;-)
I try...I really do...

And yet sometimes I still feel as though I am lacking

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