2 Sides Of Creepy
I had the pleasure of watching two movies last night on IFC that I have recorded to watch later using the DVR service on my cable box. The movie choices where Henry:Portrait of a Serial Killer and Ravenous.

Henry: Portrait of a Serial Killer:
This movie was something...hmmm kinda unnerving. I wouldn't call it the best thriller or the best crime inspired movie ever made. There were points where I wanted to connect with the main character Henry. You know find out why he killed. There is an explanation of sorts during a past bearing conversation with his friend's sister, but other than that, it is hard to connect with the killer himself. He seems to have morals in there somewhere, but his need to kill outweighs them. I think if the movie was made over (if it hasn't been), another director would be able to delve more into his mind, make us in a way kill with him and see why he is compelled in a deeper sense. Now on the flip side, not knowing one hundred percent why he is a nut...(well we know why, but as is shown in the movie, bad things happen to other folks and they don't go around strangling, knifing, and raping folks), makes the movie a bit more creepy. I found myself kind of on the edge of the couch like...is he going to do it? Or won't he? You can tell his preference of victims, which the director shows well, but you never know what this guy might do..even though you see it coming..lol I started out not really liking the movie, but by the end I was intrigued some. I even erased it from the DVR....I am kinda disappointed that I did. I usually try to watch a movie twice if it had piqued my interest before I decided o scrap it...but I wanted to get to the next movie which was...

Now this movie had my head cocked to the side all the way through. I even found myself laughing at some parts (not out loud, more like an inner chuckle). The musical score throughout the film is something between creepy and funny. Imagine someone had it in their head that by eating your flesh they could live a healthier and carefree life. Well in this movie, the main character is faced with his own cannibalism experience and the one he is about to go through. After being sent off because of his actions during the war, he is left with a strange group who then wind up in the clutches of a madman...or is he? Well I think he is, but after watching this movie, I was thinking that maybe a little human wouldn't be so bad to try in a stew after all...LMAO just kidding. I don't eat red meat..heheheh. This movie gives an answer to the question of what lengths would you go to survive and is the answer your choose..eat to live...or starve and die, a cowards answer or one of courage. Is giving into the primal urge to survive an easy way out, or is breaking down those values we have been instilled with as a society even harder to do?
Henry: Portrait of a Serial Killer:
This movie was something...hmmm kinda unnerving. I wouldn't call it the best thriller or the best crime inspired movie ever made. There were points where I wanted to connect with the main character Henry. You know find out why he killed. There is an explanation of sorts during a past bearing conversation with his friend's sister, but other than that, it is hard to connect with the killer himself. He seems to have morals in there somewhere, but his need to kill outweighs them. I think if the movie was made over (if it hasn't been), another director would be able to delve more into his mind, make us in a way kill with him and see why he is compelled in a deeper sense. Now on the flip side, not knowing one hundred percent why he is a nut...(well we know why, but as is shown in the movie, bad things happen to other folks and they don't go around strangling, knifing, and raping folks), makes the movie a bit more creepy. I found myself kind of on the edge of the couch like...is he going to do it? Or won't he? You can tell his preference of victims, which the director shows well, but you never know what this guy might do..even though you see it coming..lol I started out not really liking the movie, but by the end I was intrigued some. I even erased it from the DVR....I am kinda disappointed that I did. I usually try to watch a movie twice if it had piqued my interest before I decided o scrap it...but I wanted to get to the next movie which was...
Now this movie had my head cocked to the side all the way through. I even found myself laughing at some parts (not out loud, more like an inner chuckle). The musical score throughout the film is something between creepy and funny. Imagine someone had it in their head that by eating your flesh they could live a healthier and carefree life. Well in this movie, the main character is faced with his own cannibalism experience and the one he is about to go through. After being sent off because of his actions during the war, he is left with a strange group who then wind up in the clutches of a madman...or is he? Well I think he is, but after watching this movie, I was thinking that maybe a little human wouldn't be so bad to try in a stew after all...LMAO just kidding. I don't eat red meat..heheheh. This movie gives an answer to the question of what lengths would you go to survive and is the answer your choose..eat to live...or starve and die, a cowards answer or one of courage. Is giving into the primal urge to survive an easy way out, or is breaking down those values we have been instilled with as a society even harder to do?
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