Happy Sensations

I dream of a happy place Because I am happy I stare off in the sky's blues I look into the stars of the night I bask in the light ...

What We Have Here Is A Failure To Communicate...

Cool Hand Luke...
Seems as though I have graduated in my movie viewing. While watching Cool Hand Luke, I could not help but notice two things. One, the amazing resemblance to One Flew Over The Cuckoos Nest, and two, the AMAZING camera shots throughout!

I am very sure that the director of One Flew studied Cool Hand and decided to make a more modern version. Both are excellent movies! The camera shots used in this movie and their placement in the film are amazing and skillful. They enhance the story and help to tell the story visually..which I guess would be the same as saying it enhanced it..lol

Since becoming interested in movies and video, I have noticed that I can no longer sit back and watch a movie with analyzing it. This is a good and a bad thing. Movies that I have seen a million times, I am now pulling them apart scene by scene, and movies I have seen for the first time, well it is hard to enjoy a movie fully when I am looking at the editing quality and angles and acting and....whew. I am learning to pull back though and get back to enjoying a good film..okay okay..so Die Hard is not the best film ever made, but who can resist a good blow up shoot up and dirty up movie!! Plus I have a weakness for a Bruce Willis movie..(even Color of Night)...

Well I have to get back to Striking Distance now...another Bruce Willis movie..wwwoooooo!!! (oh..and his acting sucks in this...lol)

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