Happy Sensations

I dream of a happy place Because I am happy I stare off in the sky's blues I look into the stars of the night I bask in the light ...

Get Your "Passport" Out!!!

Folks! I was just informed by my "mentor" Captain Planet (I put that in quotations since he might not think of himself as being so) that he does a radio broadcast on called Passport on Mondays on WNYU 89.1 at 8:00pm - 9:00pm EST. You are more than likely listening to it now! Actually I think he may have told me, but for some strange reason that I cannot think of, I did not tune in...I think I just had too much in my head at the time and it flew right out...you know, the connections didn't connect and all.

The kiddies enjoyed themselves immensely while listening to the second song in particular!

Oh and thanks for the shout out Chuck Wild!! The kids loved hearing their names!! I let them know that a WHOLE LOT of people just heard the DJ give them props!!! They were psyched!!

Keep this station on your radar folks...I didn't stop listening! The other DJ's have an excellent array as well. The beauty is that they ALL have their own style of music playing...YES!!!

Keep up the good work! And Chuck Wild keep it rolling on the speaker...I stopped listening to the radio...now I have a reason to turn it on again...at least on Mondays anyways...LOL!!

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