Happy Sensations

I dream of a happy place Because I am happy I stare off in the sky's blues I look into the stars of the night I bask in the light ...

My David Tennant Audio Reading List!

Feel free to find me these if needs be...! My hardcopy reading list will be up too...!
BBC Audio
The Stone Rose
The Resurrection Casket
The Feast of the Drowned
Pest Control ·
The Forever Trap ·
The Nemonite Invasion  ·
The Rising Night ·
Day of the Troll

Big Finish
Doctor Who: Colditz
Doctor Who: Sympathy For The Devil
Doctor Who: Exile
Dalek Empire III
Doctor Who: Medicinal Purposes
UNIT: The Wasting
The Adventures of Luther Arkwright
Time Warner
Quite Ugly One Morning

From Shakespeare—with Love: The Best of the Sonnets
ahhhh to sleep to the Scottish tones of David Tennant....sigh...

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