Happy Sensations

I dream of a happy place Because I am happy I stare off in the sky's blues I look into the stars of the night I bask in the light ...

How To Make Garlic Oil For Ear Infections

from eHow:
(I wouldn't use a microwave though..I gues for sterility and all...I just heated mine up in a pot with two small cloves and a couple tablespoons of oil...put it in a tiny jar - with the cloves- and have it with me to put in my ear)

Step 1
There are two potential methods for making this garlic oil. One involves the microwave, which means the oil will be ready right away. This oil doesn't have as long of a shelf life. In the other option, you need to let the garlic and oil steep for at least a week.
Step 2
To prepare it in the microwave, add the oil and garlic to a microwave safe bowl. Microwave on high for 30 seconds to 1 minute, or until the oil becomes hot. Apply it to the ear with a dropper or a Q-tip once the oil cools to room temperature. You'll need to use this within a few days.
Step 3
You can prepare this oil in advance, and it will keep for about 1 to 2 weeks after it's ready. Add the garlic to a mason jar. Pour oil into jar. Seal it tightly and store in a cool, dry place. The oil will be ready in one week.
Step 4
Once you add the oil to your ear, you'll want to keep it in there for at least one minute. You can keep it in for longer if you're really in pain.
Step 5
This preparation helps relieve the pain, and it also takes advantage of the fact that garlic has antibacterial properties.

Make sure you sterilize the jar.
See a doctor if the home remedy doesn't work or if you're in severe pain.
Don't ever apply hot oil to your ear. Wait until it's at room temperature.

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