AGAIN!! When WIll I LEARN!!!???

Brandi: Hello! Thank you for being a valued Bank of America customer! My name is Brandi. How may I assist you with your personal accounts today? May I please have your complete name?
You: Metah-4
Brandi: Thank you, Metah-4
Brandi: How may I help you today?
You: I wanted to knoew if I would be sble to transfer funds from one acount to another to aviod two OD fees...
You: I placed a check inot one account, but it is not supposed to clear until today or tomorrw
Brandi: I understand that you wish to know if you are able to transfer funds in order to avoid Overdraft on your account. I will be glad to help you.
Brandi: May I please have the last four digits of your account number you are referring to?
You: #### is the account where the check was placed..
Brandi: Thank you for providing the information.
Brandi: Please give me one moment while I access your account information.
You: It telme Debits will be covered for today, but I cannot debit from that account...
You: ok
Brandi: I see that you made a deposit of $$$$ on 07/17/10 at 13:31 a.m.
Brandi: The deposit will be made available to your account during Monday Overnight processing.
Brandi: So the funds will be available by Tuesday morning 6 a.m.
Brandi: Once the funds are available you can transfer it to your other accounts.
You: Is there a way for my debit card to temp access that account...since I have the credut on hat account>
Brandi: As the credit is still pending to your account it is not possible to access those funds until it is posted to your account.
Brandi: I can understand your urgency of funds. However, as it is still yet to post to your account, it is not possible to transfer the funds.
Brandi: If you check your available balance is still $0.30 and this $$$$ is not included in your available balance.
You: I am looking at the note on the account...and it says that I have a credit of $$$$ on the account.and that it will cover looks like I will not avoid the overdraft fee, but if I needed to purchase something, would I be able to access that account with the card I have now?
You: Since there is a credit of $$$$ until the funds are available for withdrawl..\
Brandi: Yes, this $$$$ will cover all the debit transactions on your account ending in - ####.
Brandi: As this $$$$ will post first and then the other debit transactions in this account ending in - ####.
Brandi: During nightly processing, we process all credits before we present any debits to the account.
Brandi: So you can be rest assured that no overdraft will occur on your account ending in - ####.
You: I understand, but the account I am concerned about is my other checking account...I have two over drafts...1 for 1.99 and the other for 6.75...I was not aware I was that I am OD 2.52 or something like that...
You: I will have to bay 70 dollars for being over 2.52...
Brandi: I understand that you are trying to avoid overdraft on your other account ending in - **** and wish to transfer this $$$$ to that account, as it has -$2.52 negative balance in it.
You: not the entire amount..just enough to cover..
You: but you are telling me that there is nothing that can be done because it hasn't cleared
Brandi: Please note that as this $$$$ is still pending it can cover the debits on your account ending in - #### and not on your account ending in - ****.
Brandi: Yes, you are correct.
You: My next conern was having my current debit card temp transfered to access the account ending in that I may purchase my daughter shoes (she broke her sandals at camp)
You: there any way to avoid the 70 dollars?
Brandi: I would request you to make a cash deposit to the account ending in - **** at ATM Center so that the funds are available soon and no overdraft will occur.
Brandi: I understand that you wish to link your debit card ending in - #### to account ending in - #### as well.
Brandi: I will be glad to do that for you.
Brandi: Please give me one moment while I process your request.
Brandi: I value your time, I will do it quickly for you.
You: Thank you! Will I be able to transfer it back tomorrow?
Brandi: You are welcome.
Brandi: Yes, you can again transfer it back tomorrow.
Brandi: That would be a perfect way to avoid overdraft.
You: oh ok.. :-) thank you!
Brandi: My pleasure!
Brandi: I have successfully linked your debit card to account ending in - #### as per your request.
Brandi: Is there anything else I may assist you with today?
You: No answred my questions and gave me some good advice..thank you
Brandi: You are most welcome. We are always at your service.
Brandi: It was wonderful chatting with you. Thank you for being such a nice customer.
Brandi: Thank you for choosing Bank of America's Text Chat Service!
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I decided to be nice to her..though she didn't answer my question..she only did ONE thing I asked..and now I have to try to find three dollars to put into an ATM (whih I was trying to avoid)...Thanks...
The online chat NEVER helps much..when will I learn...
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