Happy Valentines Day to Me!

This post is a holiday post...yes, but it will be filed under Technology as you will soon see why.
My hubby and I both like tech which is a good thing because we can each kind of appreciate what the other wants. So for VDay I was treated to the things I felt I might need to go with the XMas gift he gave me...a Nexus 7! How do I like it? Well the Nexus is awesome-tastic and I am finding more and more to do on it every day. From piggy backing on my phone's Internet, surfing the web, playing games, writing posts, watching videos, listening to music, social networking, and I am sure a ton more things...I have yet to be bored. I can even read books on it like the Kindle I had. (I gave that to my sister...she needed something to read on)
The assortment of things would be a proper stylus, a portable table for my laptop/nexus and a pair of headphones...all from Amazon and all reasonably priced...I don't shop expensive unless absolutely necessary... Oh snaps! I just found out something else! Apparently the predictive text also looks out for well known phrases! If you type a word and look at the suggestions, you might actually see the word you were going to type next listed! Awesome-tastic! (Awesome-tastic would be one of the words I save din to the dictionary....)
So there it is....the tech parts of my VDay post.
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