Happy Sensations

I dream of a happy place Because I am happy I stare off in the sky's blues I look into the stars of the night I bask in the light ...

So People...

I have come to learn that sometimes in life you don't always get what you want...

I have also learned that is NOT acceptable to have a mini tantrum if you don't get it..

I have also learned that if you do have a tantrum, don't expect too many people to want to be in your presence before, during, or after one.

If you are not sure if you are one of those people who have those explosions, then you probably do have them.

-If you don't get what you want...do you mope, pout, and cry for more that the amount of time that it takes for the person to say no..?
-If you are denied that wish of yours, is it REALLY the end of the world? Or do you thin you could get on one more day without it?
-When you see something you want and you don't have the money for it...do you get an attitude if someone buys you something JUST like it…not the same exact thing?
-Do you tend to be the last one to know bad news if it pertains to you...not because you weren’t around to hear it, but because no one wanted to be around to hear YOU when you have your drama attack?

Now these are just a few things when it comes to knowing if you have a grown up tantrum syndrome. I ma sure many people have encountered those types that need a swift kick in the butt or even a slap upside the head ones in a bit.

I know that the world around you is an important one, but the most important thing to remember is that it is filled with other people. These people live lives that actually might not have anything at all to do with you. They may even do things and (MY GOODNESS) not even think about you!!

For those of you who are aware of the state of the world (the fact that it is occupied by more beings than those who are "obligated" to do something for you), this next statement does not apply to you....

For those of you who have a tendency to run around thinking I am supposed to care that you broke a nail…or that your dead beat boyfriend dumped you for the 3rd time...or that your bills haven't been paid when you are buying designer clothes you don't really need and shoes you won't want in 1 week...or if you have the most awful parents because they didn't give you that car, radio, tv, house, playstation, $200, or whatever they hell you think they should give you when your behind moved out 10 years ago.....this is for you:

When you win a million dollars...even then you are not important
When you have the best looking house, clothes, shoes, car, hair, skin, breasts, muscles…or anything else you deem you can't live without....you are STILL not important
When you have people dropping what they are doing top cater to your every flippant whine...you are (I regret to inform you) once again not important...

If you want to be important...you want to be remembered...you want to leave a legacy
I suggest you go and take your free time and make a kid smile...make some people who need clothes warm...teach those children the value of a dollar so that they won't grow up and think that the world is their playground…and they don't have to share it...

No one says you have to give away what you have worked hard for...and no one says you have to share EVERYTHING you have...it's just that it wouldn't KILL you to NOT be able to have what you want ALL the time...and if someone doesn't have time for you NOW...it doesn't mean they hate you and that they don't want to be around you…they just have a LIFE outside of your world you made up...LMAO

(I apologize for going on and on...but it had to be said)

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