Happy Sensations

I dream of a happy place Because I am happy I stare off in the sky's blues I look into the stars of the night I bask in the light ...


Well the party on Friday was nice! A couple of friends and my fam came on over and hung out with me and the kiddies! It was nice to have people come out to the City to see me on my B-Day Friday! Well after music, dancing, eating, and a bit of karaoke, it was time for folks to go and me to get some sleep.

My sis stayed ova and we got some things for that evening's (Sat) gathering. We were supposed to head over to Bemebe's, but due to some unforeseen events, we had to make a quick change...soooo off to our favorite spot GROOVE on W3rd and MacDougal.

I have heard some hot music come from Rahj and his crew (Eddie Zak...wow!!), but that night was amazing. The crowd was eating it up and the music was incredible! Even with a new set of people (not to mention the drummer was new as of that very night), the music was off the hook! New songs, and new flavor!! What better a birthday than that!!! We rolled in 3 deep at first and then a few more friends came in to make the night complete!! There were three no shows, but I don't think we could have fit them anyways!! LMAO

A good friend of mine gave me a very nice B-Day gift...
Saw 3 and Deja -Vu...
Remember that post about time travel, well we had a looong conversation about it and BAM..I get Deja Vu for my B-Day... (gotta luv friends!!)
The same friend also made a special delivery for a would have been surprise guest...Saw 1 and 2!! Also the first two seasons of Robot Chicken!!! (Friends are AWESOME!!)

I would have liked for the third no show to be there, I kinda miss 'im, but hey I had some of my closest people there...who am I to complain!!!???

All in all, the weekend was oh so great...and turning 26 has started off well...

I would like to send a special thanks to Uncle Rico for sitting with the kiddies so I would be able to have this happen (Mommy...thank you for coming Friday..I know you haven't been feeling very well.. :-( Luv ya!!)

I will have more to say about this...maybe, but I am still kinda tired from dancing so much (and my wrists hurt from clapping so much).

I will post some pics up later in the week...my digital camera is broken and cellphone pics are...ewwww dark....

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