Happy Sensations

I dream of a happy place Because I am happy I stare off in the sky's blues I look into the stars of the night I bask in the light ...

Faster Than A Speeding Bullet!!

Now how fast was that??!!

I just got my camcorder in the mail today!

I did a little practice shooting with Boogie Baby and Boney O' Bones. It looks good even at night! I have to read up so I can have a better handle on how to operate it to its fullest, but reading manuals is something I LOVE doing...I like me some gadgets!

Once I have the operations down, then it is off to take shots for this music video. Which track is getting the honor??? hmmmm...I don't think I have mentioned it, so if not...a secret it will stay..muah hahahahahah... (evil laugh)

Let's see how this pans out!

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