Happy Sensations

I dream of a happy place Because I am happy I stare off in the sky's blues I look into the stars of the night I bask in the light ...

Education For The Holidays...

Well I went and did some shopping online EARLY this morning...like 4:00AM. I got the little people a L-Max Leapfrog Game System each and two games a piece. I hope they like it! I bought one from e-bay since it came with 5 games, and got the other from KB Toys Online for about 10 bucks less than the other stores were selling it for. By going to e-bay and getting the bundle, I think I got the games for about 10 bucks or so instead of the 15 on some sites!! I can't wait till the kid's gift comes so I can see their faces when they get it :-)

In case anyone wants to know what I would like....it's an XBox 360 and the new Mortal Combat VS DC Universe game (59.82 on Walmart.com)...yeah!!!

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