Happy Sensations

I dream of a happy place Because I am happy I stare off in the sky's blues I look into the stars of the night I bask in the light ...

Memories That Are Pleasant

I sat on the train on my way to one of the most important moments of
my life possibly. Depends on how it goes... But anyways. I am sitting
on the train and I see a lady crocheting. She is moving her fingers
across the string and such with ease. I wonder if I could do that.
Probably not. She stops to untangle her yarn and the pulls out a
container of ice. I feel something. My grandma used to eat ice. She
would crunch it like candy. I like this lady.

She buts the ice away. Then she takes her chains from under her shirt
and at the end of the longest one is a pocket watch! She checks the
time, then looks up to see what the time on the train says. She looks
back at her watch and sets the time proper.

The watch is interesting. It is fold played and maybe an inch and a
half tall, and very thin.

I like this lady more. I don't know her, nor have I seen her interact
with anyone, but just from her details, I like her... I guess her
reminding me of my grandma is part of it. I never got to say goodbye...


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