Happy Sensations

I dream of a happy place Because I am happy I stare off in the sky's blues I look into the stars of the night I bask in the light ...

Note from Monday 1-26-10

As I sit on the train, I look across from me. I see two men in
business suits typing away with their thumbs on their smartphones. I
smile a little. I bet they are answering emails. Composing notes for
the next day. I look down at my phone I was not a second ago typing
away at... No meetings, no important work email here. I'm just writing
the next chapter to my online book. I don't make money from it or
change the lives on Wall Street. I just write in the time it takes me
to get to work and from work...I guess that would be 1hr and 20 min
take a few. Oh and also taking away the time it took me to write this...

I guess it's my outlet. But do I look as isolated as those two
business men making their business deals?

Or were they just playing Bejeweled?


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