Happy Sensations

I dream of a happy place Because I am happy I stare off in the sky's blues I look into the stars of the night I bask in the light ...

Stop De-pressing Press...

thinks: I would have never known about the disaster in Haiti if I hadn't have checked my FB and someone mentioned it on their status...a few tweets on my Twitter timeline...and a few requests to send money to Red Cross by text on my phone... in this world today, we can help without even speaking...I don't know how too feel...I thought I should see more about it outside of the picture of a father holding is dead child in his arms with a look on his face I hope I will NEVER have to make...EVER...and a caption underneath. That was the whole front cover. Am I becoming desensitized to the world by all of the shock and awe tactics the media tries to use to sell its "news"? I wish I never saw that picture...

I wish I could fix the world with a thought...I wish I could get the haves to stop asking the have not's to do what THEY all have the power to do...I wish a village really would save a child...

Call me naive...call me what you will...

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