Happy Sensations

I dream of a happy place Because I am happy I stare off in the sky's blues I look into the stars of the night I bask in the light ...


My heart was broken
a million pieces when spoken
those words
you can't take them back
nor swallow
like broken glass
cut me
sharp shards shattering shallow truths
I may have prayed
I may have prayed
My blood flowed from me
My life flowed from me
My mind flowed from me
My naivety, my naivety the undoing of me

But do I shoot the messenger?
But do I hang the messenger?
The bearer of my life's seeming end

Those few words that you can never un-hear
those few words that brought fear
those few words that long before spoken
stomped and ravaged
pillaged and savaged
sent innocence into hiding
confusion sent rising
lines seen and ignored
bringing forth a roar
of destruction...

(heavy breathing)

Give us our lives back
Give us justice
Give us peace

Evil stares over fences of protection
intimidation tactics lost on the mind of brave youth
You don't bring fear
you only receive sneers
your invisible hands have no jurisdiction
your insanities do not have permission
to dwell here

send you back
as our growth

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