Happy Sensations

I dream of a happy place Because I am happy I stare off in the sky's blues I look into the stars of the night I bask in the light ...

What I Think I Will Watch..

Cuz Chiller told me to...lol

From Chiller:

On DVD and On Demand: Tucker and Dale vs. Evil

There's no doubt that Tucker and Dale vs. Evil takes a single joke and hammers it practically into oblivion, but that single gag is so hilariously conceived and perfectly executed that a film that might easily have become tiresome instead feels far too brief...Horror comedy is thirsty work, after all, demanding as many belly laughs as disembowelments, but the notion of taking the murderous, backwoods cannibal and turning it on its ear offers an opportunity for prime, gore-filled hilarity.

Tucker and Dale are two dodgy-looking hillbillies who've just purchased a run-down cabin in the deep woods as a quiet escape to drink beers and catch fish. On the outside, they're everything you'd run from after having just screened Deliverance, but on the inside, they're an endearing pair of well-intentioned buddies. Unfortunately, to the stereotypical group of ignorant college kids who encounter them along the way, a series of wildly funny misunderstandings paints them as vicious, redneck killers out for blood.

Light on plot, the film is never short on personality. Alan Tyduk and Tyler Labine quickly establish Tucker and Dale as infinitely likable characters, the kind of down-home, pleasant-to-watch folks with whom you'd enjoy spending time even if the film didn't rack up an impressive body-count. And the movie's greatest success is that its gore-filled horror set-pieces - while always funny in context - never fail to deliver enough blood and suspense to keep the one-note premise from becoming a foregone conclusion.

This is a small, clever and incredibly entertaining film to fill your weekend. You can find it now On Demand.

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