Happy Sensations

I dream of a happy place Because I am happy I stare off in the sky's blues I look into the stars of the night I bask in the light ...

Same, Exactly the Same, Almost Identical...

Okay I was on a train a few days ago and I over heard a portion of a conversation that had this phrase...

"I mean it was the same...like exactly the same..."

I have heard this phrase at times and it is usualy followed by "almost identical"...

I am no Harvard grad, and I do not have a degree in English (like I belive my friend Scooozy might), and I have been one to use this on occassion...but when I heard it coming from someone else, I kinda thought to myself....

Self...if something is the same, then it goes without saying that it is exectly the same since if it weren't it wouldn't be the same...

Self...if something is almost identical, then it cannot be the same therefore it is not exactly the same....hmmmm something to think about...or not...heh heh

I am 5'5" tall
All people who are 5'5" tall are liars...

Figure that one out and let me know what it means... wink wink...

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