Happy Sensations

I dream of a happy place Because I am happy I stare off in the sky's blues I look into the stars of the night I bask in the light ...


I am wondering...
What does the New Year mean for me?

Do I need to change?
Or am I happy with the way things are?

People get so worried about the new year and what it will bring. Will they have to start over and make new goals? Are the goals they have the right ones? Have they failed the goals they set out to accomplish?

I have realized that I have been setting new day resolutions for myself everyday..and every week, and every month...and for the most part, I don't think I have accomplished even half of what I needed to do...

And why say needed to do? It's not like my life is over, just the year! I have as much time as I give myself to accomplish what I want. No, I will not live forever (neither will you), but for the most part, why make yourself old trying to make more hours in a day???

The day won't get longer...or the week...or the year.

This time around, I am NOT setting a New Year's resolution. I should not be waiting for the world to change. I should be changing it myself...at all times...not every year...

And that is just my piece on the New Year...

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