Happy Sensations

I dream of a happy place Because I am happy I stare off in the sky's blues I look into the stars of the night I bask in the light ...

What's News???

There's been a lot going on lately that has kept me from writing here. I recently got yet ANOTHER account, this one on FaceBook...talk about the information super highway!! I also have been trying to concentrate on music lyrics...to no avail, with work piling up on me at work, it is taking a toll on my production juices!!

I have also had some changes in my relationship status as well...from "hitched" to single and then to some type of hybrid thing...I dunno. I think life should not be defined into little categories ALL the time. Some things are just gray.

I had several conversations as of late that have got me thinking about girls and boys. Mostly about how boys can and are just as girly as the girls they try to pin with that stereotype. Big boys DO cry...they just cry in a different way is all..

That tough "it don't phase me" facade doesn't fool anyone ONE bit, and just like girls hurt...so do boys...
Not to say that I have recently gone through anything like this. It was just a conversation I had with my sis. We went a little more into it...laughed a lot, and then came to the conclusion that the world is full of "girls." Some more "girly" than others.

I for one am no girly girl...and I an NOT looking for a girly boy. When I say girly, I mean that clingy, whiny, pouty, I want my way now type of girly...

Yeah, lately I have found myself crying on parts of movies or shows that I haven't EVER cried on before...but though I might not consider myself a girly girl, I AM human..geez...

So enough about that...

I will move on to something that has also been taking away from my time...

I have a problem: I am addicted to technology...
I recently bricked my dang on phone trying to trick it out...and now I am quite sad :-(
I downgraded my choice of phone from my loving MDA to a Razr V3..okay okay I know, but I was tired of that big bulky thing..and it was on it's way out any who...(I dropped it like 4 times in two days last year...right before the new year..dang) So I plugged in my V3 and got to pimpin....next thing you know...the dreaded black and white flashing screen..."DAMN"
So I called The Mobile and got a replacement..and I WILL NOT BE TRICKIN IT OUT THIS TIME....at least I won't do it sooo extensively..heheheh

The next order of business is this activity I have coming up...teaching teens how to make some music in 5 hours..oh did I mention video and lyric writing..what the heezy did I get myself into!!???

I think I will give my fingers a break...mostly cuz I have to get ready fro work now...heheheh

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