Happy Sensations

I dream of a happy place Because I am happy I stare off in the sky's blues I look into the stars of the night I bask in the light ...

From Simply Positive...

If you make a conscious effort to engage all your senses by saying positive, writing positive, reading positive, watching positive, & actions that make you "feel" positive...eventually you become AWARE again of positive aspects in your life tht you lost focus of when he negative event/situation suddenly took your attention off of. You shifted the majority of your focus. YOU DID IT. It didn't happen alone. YOU took control after identifying the negative entrance into a loop & did things to change it. Don't get me wrong. It's not always easy. Sometimes you have to do a lot and really battle it. And sometimes it's easier. But either way, if you stay aware & force a positive focus & action repeatedly, it eventually does work. You have to FORCE your brain & make yourself believe things. This is the power of meditation, religion, philosophies, & lucky charms. The more we pray, believe, & study...the more we focus on something positive. And this same thing applies to positive thinking, affirmations, & taking positive actions. 

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