Happy Sensations

I dream of a happy place Because I am happy I stare off in the sky's blues I look into the stars of the night I bask in the light ...

I Get Hurt

What a friggin yesterday man...

I started with some stuff straight out of a crime drama and ended with something straight out of a Lifetime movie...

I really really need to cut some of this extra BS out of my life indeed.  Walking around with all the emotional baggage that I try to cover with a pretty couch cover is only temporary. After a time, I will have to deal with every issue I have as to not pass them on to my kids.

There are three male factors in my life when it comes to my model of love and caring as partaining to men.

1) a man who pretended to love me (and did a very good job at putting on that show)
2) a man who says he loves me (but was never there when I needed him around)
3) a man who never says anything at all (but was there on my major catastophe)

Now a person could look at these things and think "wow...that's what you have to go on?" Yeah...that's it so far...

I try to give people a chance, but the only person ever getting hurt is me.

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