Happy Sensations

I dream of a happy place Because I am happy I stare off in the sky's blues I look into the stars of the night I bask in the light ...

Breaking Up

For many people the ending of a relationship is so saddening and emotional...well actually for all people.  It may be more sad for one party and emotional for the other, but we all feel something.

Why am I bothering to tell you this?

I was on my FB today and saw that my Mom and Dad were both logged in.  Now some back story is that they are no longer together.  This isn't a new thing.  It's been more than 20+ years since they were married.

Last night I was watching an episode of New Girl with the little ones and the main character was trying to get her parents back together.  I have never had that cross my mind.  Get my parents back together...It wasn't because I didn't think that would be nice, it was mostly because they were separated so early in my life, that I never remembered how it was when they were together.  It seemed like they were always Mom here and Dad there...

So now I get to the point of this briefing.

I realized that in seeing them online at the same time (and they probably weren't chatting), I thought to myself "It would be cool if my parents didn't split up..." Then I thought, "That's kinda selfish, cuz then they wouldn't be happy..."

My parents weren't happy together.  Then later in life, they BOTH found a person for them that makes them happy.  Both of my parents have been with the people they are with longer than they were married to each other...with no end in sight from where I sit...and I actually think that's great.  I know both of their partners and I think they are awesome! My kids love them as well...If my Dad didn't live so far, I am sure we would hang out and stuff with his partner (it also helps that she thinks I'm cool and funny LOL).  My Mom's partner is like an Uncle to me...!!!(sounds all family weird right LOL!)

So to sum up, breaking up ain't always so bad....You can't meet your soulmate if you're with the wrong person...so if you and them wind up no longer a couple..maybe it was meant to be that way.

My parents had me...and that is AWESOME....then went on their own ways in life...leaving this AWESOME person to write and live and love and dance and what not!! 


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