Happy Sensations

I dream of a happy place Because I am happy I stare off in the sky's blues I look into the stars of the night I bask in the light ...

Kwanzaa Celebration Package!

I was making a package for one of my "step-kids" and realized I should share it!  Why? Because not everyone knows about this awesome celebration! So I thought I should take the time to share it with others who might be interested....It even includes little paper dolls to print out. They represent the children you might have.  I found the kids like to see themselves represented in a way they can feel included.

Here is the link to:
Kwanzaa Procedures
Kwanzaa Celebration
Kwanzaa Workbook (The kids write what they did to celebrate that days principle)
The Nguzu Saba
The Paper Dolls
The Calendar (as a publisher file that also includes a template for changing the date and also a planner for the Kawaida - Celebration held on Dec 31st)


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