Happy Sensations

I dream of a happy place Because I am happy I stare off in the sky's blues I look into the stars of the night I bask in the light ...

Father's Day...For Fathers. Mother's Day...For Mother's...


I used to be a single mom and I really didn't like it when people wished me a Happy Father's Day.  It just reminded me that I was doing this without a Dad around.  Yeah, there is a sense of empowerment knowing you can hold down two kids, a job, bills, and yourself...but really, there were days when I wished I had a man around that I loved and the kids loved and my son could look at and say "That's my Dad..."

I am sure my kids loved me for what I was doing and they knew I worked hard, but there IS a difference between a Mom and a Dad...No matter WHAT people may try to say.

Mother's Day is for me...being a Mother..taking the reigns and doing what needs to be done, alone or not.

Father's Day is for Dad's...being a Dad..and taking the reigns, doing what need to be done, alone or not.

If you are not a Mother..you don't get Mother's Day.  You are not a Mother...you are a Father...
If you are not a Father...you don't get Father's Day.  You are not a Father...you are a Mother...

Unfortunately society has placed these gender roles that say a Mom does this and a Dad does that...and that's why people say "Oh, I do the job of Mom AND Dad..."

No, you do the job of a parent...

I love all of my Single Parents...but if you want to have recognition for what we have done...why not petition a day...Single Parents Day?  Cuz not for nothing...it IS a hard job...but someone has to do it don't they?

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