Happy Sensations

I dream of a happy place Because I am happy I stare off in the sky's blues I look into the stars of the night I bask in the light ...

Me, Mr. Black, and Black Panther

I took a walk with a Black Panther on Saturday. A long a revealing walk. You'd be surprised what you can lean about a person when you walk 77 NYC blocks with them...

I think I have found another addition to my friends list. I am the kind of person who likes to have many types of people around them...

Mr. Black is very laid back and extremely nice. He is courteous and respectful. He is concerned about those who he cares about. He is not afraid to use a pet name, but he is new to public affection. Oh..and he is silly...I like silly.. :-)

Blank Panther is a whole other story!
After meeting him for the second time in about 7 months or so, I stumbled apon him in an unexpected place. I was not aware there was any attraction on his part, and I was in no position to have an attraction on my part on or first meeting. Any who...

Black Panther:
A short fuse

Loves Animated movies
Has morals you wouldn't think he had at a first meeting..LOL
Likes to play things safe...
(He probably likes puppy dogs and butterflies too...LOL)

I enjoy spending time with them and a couple other guy friends I have...I don't really know how guys stand on that subject, but I like to hang out with more than one person..geez..life is short and I can't spend time with one person and then wait till I am no longer friends with them in order to have another friend..no way!!

Now I can only have a sexually serious relationship with one person..take that how you want.. LOL

As for how do I have time for many friends..well I don't.. you should see me scramblin to try to hang out with everyone in ONE day..LOL talk about chicken with their head cut off...man!!

Today's 80's song is a bit o hip hop flavor...takin it back.. ;-)
I enjoy De La Soul oh so very much, my story behind this is an EX story...not a bad one...just reminds me of when times where...nice....LOL


  1. Anonymous1:11 PM

    Nice,and who is he?lustybustlolie

  2. Anonymous12:03 PM

    I think this is your best work ever. Who is this Black Panther? Who is Mr. Black? Sound like someone worth holding on to to me!!!
