Happy Sensations

I dream of a happy place Because I am happy I stare off in the sky's blues I look into the stars of the night I bask in the light ...

Lemme Tell You Some Advice Girl

Okay...lemme tell you something..

First, I have known you for some time now and I would say I know you pretty well. Maybe even better than you know yourself. We have been through some rough stuff and I never once left you hanging. No matter what, I was there. You may not have always been there for me when I needed you, but that is neither here nor there. You have had some wild things going on in your life and I wouldn't expect you to be in a position to help me...especially if your not in a position to help yourself.

With that being said.

I have kept my mouth shut on this issue LONG enough. I am talking about the guy you are seeing. Yeah, I'm going there. Day in and day out I have had to deal with you and your situation. So I am going to tell you something you might not wanna hear.

This man is in a totally different place in his life. A place you may not be for a while. You continue to give him your time and attention, but you don't get what you expect...do you? Now I know you think he's all dreamy and sexy..you've told me this time and time again, but where will that get you in the end? You've told me he's good in bed...well actually you said something along the lines of him kn-kn-knocking your socks off...but again where will that leave you in the end?

You have some choices to make.

You can either stay in the situation you're in and take it as it is. Know that you will never get back what you put in...meaning he is not capable of giving you the attention you need and you will accept that. You will enjoy the times you do have and know that one day this ride will be over and when that happens, you will walk away with a smile


You can leave now, remain friends..since I know you think he is a pretty cool guy and know that this was a lesson learned about yourself and relationships...

Honestly, I don't understand why you always find these unavailable people.  Either they are unavailable emotionally, time-wise, or just plain old mentally not there and nuts.  Seriously...you are running 0 for 3 right now.

I love ya much and you know that, but I am not going to be picking up the pieces of this one..not this time.  You have heard what I have to say.  Remember, I am not mad at YOU..I am mad at the choices you make and how they leave you.

So choose. Be content with being with someone who will not love you like you need to be loved, enjoy the now and don't bitch about it, or leave and don't bitch about it.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous8:04 PM

    Why don't the two of you go Fuck each other?
