Happy Sensations

I dream of a happy place Because I am happy I stare off in the sky's blues I look into the stars of the night I bask in the light ...

Totally Spazzed

I find it hard to believe that this "minor" detail is gonna mess up my day.

According to my horoscope...some minor detail would cause some type of fatal flaw...

I remembered the appointment...I prepared for it...and then FORGOT TO TELL MY BOSS ABOUT IT. In order to be there and ready..I have to leave early...and with the busy state of the room..this would be the WRONG moment to have to split...sigh...and because she is everywhere at once...I can't find her and tell her...and time is running out. She could be out in the field, gym, locker, pool area...who knows..she is like super boss..everywhere!

If I don't leave soon..this could be very veyr difficult...sigh...

Stupid horoscope...

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