Happy Sensations

I dream of a happy place Because I am happy I stare off in the sky's blues I look into the stars of the night I bask in the light ...

Pampers and Huggies

Seems as though if you are in the market for getting diapers and wipes, your best bet is to get Pampers diapers and Huggies for wipes. Mind you, Pampers makes excellent diapers for all stages! If I had been in the situation financially when I had my first two as I am now,  I would have only been using Pampers not the other knock off craps that leaked every pee (Fitties). With that in mind, we bought Pampers wipes at first and boy were we surprised to find out that just because a company makes good diapers, doesn't mean they make good wipes. These things stink and basically feel like silky wash cloths, which any parent can tell you is NOT what you want when you baby takes a monster dump! So we tried Huggies. Now these things are the business! They are soft on baby, smell nice and leave the bottom clean without a residue feeling on your hands or their behind. All of which Pampers brand was the opposite of.
Huggies diapers are not as bad as Pampers wipes, but they aren't as good as Pampers diapers... and they don't stink like Pampers wipes seem to.
But this is just my opinion.

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