Happy Sensations

I dream of a happy place Because I am happy I stare off in the sky's blues I look into the stars of the night I bask in the light ...


Who do we blame?
The world?
The society?
The madness?
The water?

Who do I blame?

A loaded question...
Aimed true and the kickback floors

The answer truly as terrible as the crime...

The resounding waves of anger dying off into sadness...only to awaken the anger
And the cycle continues.

Take me off this boat
Take me from the storm
Deliver me to a place that is truly home
and I will guide us all there
to dance
to sing
to live
to love

No dark clouds to follow us
No demon to haunt us
No waters churning with your rage
and your confusion and my sadness

No more helplessness...
Just us...

Cry no more my tiny stars with tiny eyes and tiny souls that burst with the knowledge of how evil the world can be...

I am trying...
Let that be enough in the times to come...
I am trying...
Even though at times like this, I feel I am loosing...
I am trying...

And the sword shall be brought down on our enemies, as they say.
All will be right.
Truth will prevail.

and Karma is a bitch...

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