Happy Sensations

I dream of a happy place Because I am happy I stare off in the sky's blues I look into the stars of the night I bask in the light ...

RINGO RINGO Little Star...

I have a Ringo account that allows me to share photos of my the kiddies and what ever else is going on.

Sign up so that you can get updates. If you do sign up, you don't HAVE to upload pictures, but you MUST make me a friend...that's the only way to see pics of the kiddies..(you know weirdos out there...no not me poeple..!!!)

You can set pics private so that only your friends can see them and not anyone who is browsing around. YOu can sort them into albums and give them tags (keywords that make it easier to find what you are looking for)

Anytime I upload a new set of pics (I will try not to do one at a time) they will send you an e-mail with a preview of the pics...click on the link and you can go and comment on them or take a closer look...

Some of you already have Ringo. If you do, please let me know by searching for me by e-mail

I beieve at that point you can request to make me a friend. If you can send a message with the invite, please do, so I know who you are. If I don't know who you are, I will not accept.. ;-)

very simple and easy to follow..even has an uploader you can DL so you don't have to be on the website to do it..

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