Happy Sensations

I dream of a happy place Because I am happy I stare off in the sky's blues I look into the stars of the night I bask in the light ...

Day 4 Vacation: Re-Cap...Yesterday

Well I spent my last day of vacation with the kiddies...

We did a bunch O stuff!

First up:
An hour of Yoga which we all wound up pulling something LOL

Second up:
Texas On Tour (at the seaport)
Well we were supposed to go to a concert, but they had this RIGHT next to it...and it included a virtual reality kayak ride....who could pass that up?

Third up:
Shakespeare in the Park
This was cool.  We watched The Winter's Tale!  We were late so we had to wait for the next break in order to get our seat, but when we did get in, it was great! The kids enjoyed it a lot!

We walked 40 blocks to get home...and boy was I tired! So much so that I woke up at 9 and then....2...LOL
I think part of it was because I stayed up until 6 in th morning...I was wired on the coffee I drank to keep up with the kids...

So that was yesterday,,,the last day of my personal vacation..and it was FUN!

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